Community statistics: balance of payments, international trade in services and foreign direct investment


ACT: Commission Regulation 601/2006/EC implementing Regulation 184/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the format and the procedure for the transmission of data.

CONTENT: the provisions of this implementing Act state that Member States must transmit information to Eurostat electronically, through a Single Entry Point for data. Eurostat will make detailed documentation related to the Single Entry Point available as well as being responsible for the supply of guidelines on how to implement data transmission.

In addition, Member States are required to use the data format “Gesmes” in conformity with the interchange standards as specified by Eurostat. Again Eurostat will be responsible for the supply of documentation relating to these standards. No proprietary data format is allowed to be used.

The technical specification of the data structure is spelt out in an Annex to the Regulation.