Pending European Parliament’s first reading on the proposed Recommendation on transnational mobility within the Community for education and training: “European Quality Charter for Mobility”, the Council agreed upon a general approach to the draft Recommendation.
To recall, the proposal builds on the “Education and training 2010” work programme, establishing a common set of principles aimed at increasing efficiency in all organised mobility for learning purposes.
Under the Erasmus programme over 1 million young people have studied in another Member State as part of their studies, thereby helping to increase an understanding of cultural and linguistic diversity as well as to create a European area of education and training in accordance with the objectives of the Lisbon strategy. This kind of mobility ensures that the Erasmus programme is one of the most visible and most recognised by EU citizens.
The proposed Charter consists of ten practical and easily accessible guidelines covering the period from departure, stay and return. The ten guidelines refer to: information and guidance; learning plan; personalisation; general preparation; linguistic aspects; logistical support; and mentoring.