Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE+) 2007-2013


On 29 September 2004, the Commission proposed a new simple and streamlined funding programme for the environment (LIFE+). The new programme called "LIFE+" (LIFE plus) would become the EU's single financial instrument targeting only the environment. At the time, the Commission proposed to commit a total of EUR 2 190 million from 2007 to 2013.

On 7 July 2005, the European Parliament, at first reading, proposed increasing the financial envelope to EUR 9 540 million, bearing in mind that the overall needs of the Natura 2000 – EUR 21 000 million for the programming period – should be covered.

Following the Interinstitutional Agreement on the financial framework for 2007-2013, the final budget allocation for LIFE + is set at EUR 2 097 880 million.

As a consequence, the Commission presents its amended proposal which will replace its initial proposal concerning the reference amount for 2007-2013. It proposes that at least 40% of the budgetary resources for LIFE+ shall be allocated to measures to support the conservation of nature and biodiversity.

For further information concerning the financial implications of this measure, please refer to the financial statement.