Common Fisheries Policy CFP: Community financial measures for the implementation of the Fisheries Policy and of the Law of the Sea 2007-2013


PURPOSE: the establishment of financial measures in order to implement the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and the Law of the Sea.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Regulation 861/2006/EC establishing Community financial measures for the implementation of the common fisheries policy and in the area of the Law of the Sea.

CONTENT: the Council unanimously adopted this Regulation, which establishes the framework for Community financial measures for implementing the CFP as well as the Law of the Sea. This Regulation has been agreed upon in order to make Community financial intervention in this sector more effective. It introduces streamlined, uniform and co-ordinate procedures both within the Community and in relations with third countries and international organisations. It also provides for greater consistency amongst the varying programmes. A further purpose of this Regulation is to ensure that the objectives of the reformed CFP fit in with the orientations of the financial framework for the period 2007-2013. Community expenditure may take the form of either: a financing decision; a Community grant agreement; a public procurement contract; a Memoranda of Understanding; or an administrative arrangement compatible with Regulation 1605/2002/EC.

The Regulation applies to:

-          the control and enforcement of the CFP;

-          conservation measures, data collection and improvement of scientific advice concerning the sustainable management of fisheries resources within the scope of the CFP;

-          the governance of the CFP; and

-          international relations in the area of the CFP and the Law of the Sea.

For each of these categories the Regulation sets out and establishes: General Objectives; Specific Objectives; Financial Measures; Rates of co-financing; and Financing procedures.

The control and enforcement of the CFP

The specific objectives in the area of control and enforcement will be to improve fishing activities and to ensure effective implementation of the CFP through capacity building and identifying weaknesses in Member States’ fishing control. To realise these objectives expenditure will be given to the Member States to purchase, for example, modernised equipment needed to control the enforcement of the CFP. Funding will also be granted for civil servant training and exchange programmes and for pilot inspections and observation schemes. Expenditure related to inspection by Commission inspectors will also be covered by this Regulation. As far as co-financing rates are concerned, Community financial measures will not exceed 50% of the cost of the eligible public expenditure incurred in carrying out a programme.

Conservation measures, data collection and improvement of scientific advice.

In the area of basic data collection, expenditure will cover actions such as:

-          evaluating the activities of the various fishing fleets,

-          estimating the total volume of catches per stock and vessel group,

-          estimating the abundance and distribution of stocks,

-          evaluating the impact of fishing activities on the environment, and

-          evaluating the economic and social situation of the processing and aquaculture industry.

It will also include expenditure on collecting information relating to income from sales and production costs. Concerning “scientific advice” the Regulation foresees funding for partnership contracts with national research institutions and the Joint Research Centre. As regards co-financing rates, Community financial measures and the rate of co-financing will not exceed 50% of the cost of the eligible public expenditure incurred in carrying out a programme.

Governing the CFP

In the area of governance the kind of activities eligible for Community expenditure will include, amongst others, travelling and accommodation costs for members of the European Trade Organisation (ACFA); the cost of ACFA participation at the meetings of the Regional Advisory Councils (RAGs); and providing wide access to data relating to the CFP through the DG Fisheries Internet website. As regards financing, drawing rights will be allocated to each trade organisation, which is a member of the ACFA plenary.

International relations and the Law of the Sea

The following expenditure will be eligible for Community funding under the terms of this Regulation:

-          expenditure arising from fishing agreements,

-          expenditure arising from Community compulsory contributions to the budgets of international organisations;

-          expenditure incurred through voluntary membership of the United Nations;

-          voluntary contributions for new international organisations or international treaties;

-          voluntary contributions to scientific work or programmes carried out by international organisations; and

-          financial contributions to activities upholding the interest of the Community in international organisations

Lastly, special provisions are foreseen to protect the Community’s financial interests such as audits and financial corrections. Actions financed under this Regulation will be monitored regularly through independent external evaluations. In addition, the Commission will submit an interim evaluation report on this Regulation no later than 31 March 2011. It will also prepare a Communication on the continuation of the actions financed under this Regulation no later than 30 August 2012. An ex-ante evaluation report will be submitted by 31 December 2014.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 4 July 2006. It will apply as from 1 January 2007 until 31 December 2013.