Following work in Council, the Commission is able to accept either verbatim, or in principle, a great number of amendments.
Parliamentary amendments accepted by the Commission and included in the common positions relate to:
- a provision on the eligibility criteria (specifically those relating to European added value); as well as a nature and biodiversity component;
- a provision on ring-fencing for nature and biodiversity;
- the setting of a maximum co-financing rate.;
- allowing certain nature projects to benefit from higher financing rates;
- continued funding for certain NGO’s;
- clarification that LIFE+ will fund transnational measures;
- submitting key decisions to the comitology procedure;
Parliamentary amendments not incorporated in the common position, in summary, include:
- a proposed increase to the budget given that the current budget is in line with the agreed financial perspectives;
- the setting up of a list of possible beneficiaries given that this may prove too restrictive in the long run.
To conclude, the changes introduced by the Council help to clarify the Commission’s proposal especially as regards clarification of the term “European added value” as well as clarifying the role of the Member States, the national agencies and the Commission vis-à-vis the programme’s planning and delivery mechanisms. The Commission, therefore, support the Common Position, which was adopted by a qualified majority. The Commission also takes note of the Council declaration concerning the modification of the programme’s budget at second reading.