Quality of petrol and diesel fuels: level of sulphur

PURPOSE : to complete the environmental specifications for petrol and diesel fuels in accordance with Article 9 of Directive 98/70/EC. COMMUNITY MEASURE : Directive 2003/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels. CONTENT : this Directive shall introduce zero sulphur fuels, with sulphur levels lower than 10mg/kg (ppm), down from the current limit value of 50 ppm, as from 1 January 2005 at the same time as the entry into force of the new emission limits for EURO IV vehicles. Full conversion to zero sulphur fuels would take place on 1 January 2009. Member States would be able to take more stringent measures concerning the quality of petrol marketed in specific areas to protect public health or the environment in a specific sensitive area or in a specific agglomeration if there is a risk of ground water pollution. ENTRY INTO FORCE : 22/03/2003. IMPLEMENTATION : 30/06/2003. The Member States shall apply these measures from 1 January 2004.�