ACT: Commission Regulation 1168/2006/EC implementing Regulation 2160/2003/EC as regards a Community target for the reduction of the prevalence of certain salmonella serotypes in laying hens of Gallus gallus and amending Regulation 1003/2005/EC.
CONTENT: to recall, Regulation 2160/2003/EC establishes Community targets for the reduction of salmonella serotypes in laying hens of Gallus gallus. The Regulation also sets Community targets that include a numerical expression of the maximum percentage of epidemiological units remaining positive and/or the minimum percentage of reduction in the number of epidemiological units remaining positive, the maximum time limit within which the target must be achieved and the definition of the testing schemes necessary to verify achievement of the target.
In 2005, the Community adopted Regulation 1003/2005/EC concerning the setting of Community targets for the reduction of certain salmonella serotypes in breeding flocks of Gallus gallus. However, since the adoption of the Regulation alternative analysis methods have been developed and validated. Further, salmonella strains detected in breeding flocks need to be stored for future phagetyping and anti-microbial susceptibility testing.
The purpose of this Regulation, therefore, is to amend Regulation 1003/2005/EC in accordance with the opinion of the “Standing Committee on Food and Animal Health.” Accordingly, the Community target for the reduction of Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium in adult laying hens of Gallus gallus is as follows:
- An annual minimum percentage of reduction of positive flocks of adult laying hens equal to at least:
(i) 10 % if the prevalence in the preceding year was less than 10 %;
(ii) 20 % if the prevalence in the preceding year was between 10 and 19 %;
(iii) 30 % if the prevalence in the preceding year was between 20 and 39 %;
(iv) 40 % if the prevalence in the preceding year was 40 % or more;
- A reduction of the maximum percentage to 2 % or less. However, for Member States with less than 50 flocks of adult laying hens, not more than one adult flock may remain positive.
The first target needs to be achieved by 2008 based on monitoring begun at the beginning of that year. Achievements will be based on the result of evaluations taken in three consecutive years.
ENTRY INTO FORCE : 04/08/2006. The Regulation shall apply from 01/08/2006.