Road and inland waterway transport: elimination of controls at the frontiers. Codification


PURPOSE : proposal on codification of Council Regulation 4060/89/EEC of 21 December 1989 on the elimination of controls performed at the frontiers of Member States in the field of road and inland waterway transport.

PROPOSED ACT : Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.

CONTENT : the Commission attaches great importance to simplifying and clarifying Community law and a codification of rules that have frequently been amended is essential if Community law is to be clear and transparent. Given that no changes of substance may be made to the instruments affected by codification, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission have agreed, by an interinstitutional agreement dated 20 December 1994, that an accelerated procedure may be used for the fast-track adoption of codification instruments.

The purpose of this proposal is to undertake a codification of Council Regulation 4060/89/EEC on the elimination of controls performed at the frontiers of Member States in the field of road and inland waterway transport. The new Regulation will supersede the acts incorporated in it; this proposal fully preserves the content of the acts being codified and hence does no more than bringing them together with only such formal amendments as are required by the codification exercise itself.