Animal diseases and public health: measures for the control of avian influenza (repeal. Directive 92/40/EEC)


ACT: Commission Decision 2006/437/EC approving a Diagnostic Manual for avian influenza as provided for in Council Directive 2005/94/EC.

CONTENT: Directive 2005/94/EC provides for certain preventive measures relating to the surveillance and early detection of avian influenza. It also includes control measures which need to be applied in the event of an outbreak of avian influenza in poultry and/or other captive birds.

To help implement these measures the Commission has developed a Diagnostic Manual for avian influenza, which is attached to this Council Decision. The manual lays down common diagnostic procedures, sampling methods and criteria for evaluating laboratory test results, which can confirm the outbreak, or not, of avian influenza.

The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health. They also take account of new tests which have been recently developed on the quick diagnosis of avian influenza.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: The Member States must apply the diagnostic manual from the date on which they transpose Directive 2005/94/EC or from 1 July 2007 – which ever date is earlier.