2005 discharge: Eurojust


PURPOSE: presentation of the final accounts of Eurojust for the financial year 2005.

CONTENT: this document published in the Official Journal of the EU sets out a detailed account of the implementation of the 2005 budget, including the revenue and expenditure and the balance sheet for the year concerned.

According to this document, the final budget amounted to EUR 13 million (compared to EUR 9.3 million in 2004) including a 100% Community subsidy.

As regards the staffing policy, Eurojust officially set out 87 posts in the establishment plan compared to 76 in 2004. 70 of these posts are occupied +15 other staff (seconded national experts, local staff, 13 agency staff) totalling 85 staff carrying out operational, administrative and mixed tasks. Staff expenditure amounted to nearly EUR 5.4 million in 2005.

Eurojust’s objective is to improve the coordination of investigations and prosecutions covering the territories of several Member States of the European Union, as well as that of non-member States. In 2005, it held 73 meetings, examined 462 bilateral cases and 124 multilateral cases on the following issues:

- Fraud: 14%;

- Drug-trafficking: 16%;

- Terrorism: 3%;

- Murder: 5%;

- Trafficking in human beings: 4%;

- Money-laundering: 6%;

- Other: 52%.

The complete version of the final accounts may be found at the following address:
