PURPOSE : to establish a framework programme for Community action in the field of competitiveness and innovation covering the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.
LEGISLATIVE ACT : Decision 1639/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007 to 2013).
CONTENT : the Council adopted a decision establishing a competitiveness and innovation framework programme for the years 2007 to 2013, accepting all amendments voted by the European Parliament at first reading. This Framework Programme is established in order to contribute to the enhancement of competitiveness and innovation capacity in the Community, paying particular attention to the needs of SMEs. It brings together specific Community measures in the field of entrepreneurship, SMEs, industrial competitiveness, innovation, ICT, environmental technologies and intelligent energy. The Framework Programme does not cover research, technological development and demonstration activities carried out in accordance with Article 166 of the Treaty. It contributes to closing the gap between research and innovation and promotes all forms of innovation.
The objectives of the Framework Programme are as follows:
(a) to foster the competitiveness of enterprises, in particular of SMEs;
(b) to promote all forms of innovation including ecoinnovation;
(c) to accelerate the development of a sustainable, competitive, innovative and inclusive information society;
(d) to promote energy efficiency and new and renewable energy sources in all sectors, including transport.
The objectives of the Framework Programme shall be pursued through the implementation of the following specific programmes:
1) the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme which will provide for action to support, improve, encourage and promote:
(a) access to finance for the start-up and growth of SMEs and investment in innovation activities;
(b) the creation of an environment favourable to SME cooperation, particularly in the field of cross-border cooperation;
(c) all forms of innovation in enterprises;
(d) eco-innovation;
(e) entrepreneurship and innovation culture;
(f) enterprise and innovation-related economic and administrative reform.
2) The Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Policy Support Programme, which will provide for the following actions:
(a) development of the Single European information space and strengthening of the internal market for ICT products and services and ICT-based products and services;
(b) stimulation of innovation through the wider adoption of and investment in ICT;
(c) development of an inclusive information society and more efficient and effective services in areas of public interest, and improvement of quality of life.
3) The Intelligent Energy — Europe Programme, which will provide for action, in particular:
(a) to foster energy efficiency and the rational use of energy resources;
(b) to promote new and renewable energy sources and to support energy diversification;
(c) to promote energy efficiency and the use of new and renewable energy sources in transport.
After the entry into force of the Framework Programme, the Commission will publish a readable and user-friendly user manual establishing a clear, simple and transparent framework of general principles for the participation of beneficiaries in the Framework Programme. The user manual will, in particular, facilitate the participation of SMEs.
The Commission will be advised by a Strategic Advisory Board on Competitiveness and Innovation composed of representatives of industry and business associations, including those representing SMEs, and other experts. Their expertise should be related to the sectors and issues addressed by the Framework Programme, including financing, ICT, energy and eco-innovation.
The Commission will also examine synergies within the Framework Programme and with other complementary Community programmes and synergies with national programmes co-funded by the Union. Where possible, it shall examine the gender dimension and the respect of the principle of non-discrimination in programme activities.
The financial envelope for the implementing the Framework Programme is EUR 3 621 300 000. The indicative budgetary allocations for the specific programmes shall be the following:
(a) 60 % of the overall budget for the pursuance of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme, of which approximately one fifth shall be allocated to promoting eco-innovation;
(b) 20 % of the overall budget for the pursuance of the ICT Policy Support Programme;
(c) 20 % of the overall budget for the pursuance of the Intelligent Energy — Europe Programme.
Lastly, Community financial instruments shall be operated with the aim of facilitating access to finance for SMEs in certain phases of their life cycle: seed, start-up, expansion and business transfer. These instruments are the following:
(a) the High Growth and Innovative SME Facility (GIF);
(b) the SME Guarantee (SMEG) Facility;
(c) the Capacity Building Scheme (CBS).
The GIF shall be operated by the European Investment Fund (EIF) on behalf of the Commission.
ENTRY INTO FORCE : 29/11/2006.