The committee adopted the report by Daniel CASPARY (EPP-ED, DE) granting discharge to the Committee of the Regions for 2005. In its accompanying resolution, the committee referred to the cases of weighted salary transfers which had been investigated. It supported the Secretary-General of the CoR in his intention to set up an administrative inquiry and disciplinary proceedings where necessary, and called for "a strict prosecution of all cases where fraudulent behaviour can be proved".
In other points, the report noted that the administrative cooperation between the CoR and the European Economic and Social Committee should be beneficial to both and financially advantageous for European taxpayers, and called on the two institutions to find a suitable way to continue such cooperation. Lastly, in view of the substantial divergences between the findings of the reports of the joint services and the CoR's two external exports, the committee urged the CoR and the EESC to conduct a joint analysis - if necessary with the help of the Court of Auditors - of the precise costs, benefits and savings generated by cooperation.