PURPOSE: the establishment of a common EU hops market.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Regulation 1952/2005/EC concerning the common organisation of the market in hops and repealing Regulations 1696/71, 1037/72, 879/73 and 1981/82/EEC.
CONTENT: a number of legislative acts have existed at an EU level, which regulate the market in hops. For the sake of clarity these have now been repealed and replaced with this Regulation.
The purpose of this Regulation is to establish a common organisation for the EU’s hops market. The new common organisation will apply to rules on marketing, producer groups and trade with third countries. It covers:
- Hop cones, fresh or dried, whether or not ground, powdered or in the form of pellets/lupulin.
The rules on marketing and trade with third countries will apply to:
- Vegetable saps and extracts of hops.
These products, whether harvested or prepared within the Community will be subject to a certification procedure. The certificate must indicate: the place of production, the year of harvesting and the variety of varieties. Hop products may only be marketed or exported on condition that they have been issued with a certificate in line with the terms and conditions of this Regulation. Any products imported from a third country must have an attestation confirming that their products are of the same standard as those certified under the terms of this Regulation.
Specific conditions are set out regarding “Producer groups”. Thus, a producer group shall mean a group consisting exclusively or mainly of hop producers and who are recognised as such by a Member State. Their objectives are: to concentrate supply and help stabilise the market – if necessary by purchasing hops at a higher price; to adapt products jointly to the requirements of the market; to make harvesting operations more efficient; and to decide on what varieties of hops may be grown by its members.
As far as trade with third countries is concerned, the rates of import duty will be set by the common customs tariff. The measures set out in the Regulation waive all quantitative restriction at the external frontier of the Community. This procedure may, however, be waived in exceptional circumstances. The Community may be empowered to take all necessary measures quickly. Any measures taken will be in conformity with the Community’s international obligations.
In order to protect the proper functioning of the internal market the Regulation specifies that EU State Aid provisions will apply to the hop market. Provision has also been made for the registration of all contracts to supply hops produced within the Community. Producer groups recognised under previous Regulations will be recognised under the new act.
REPEALED: Regulation 1696/71/EEC. As from 1 January 2006. (In the case of Slovenia, Article 7 will continue to apply up to and including the 2006 harvest); Regulation 1037/72/EEC; Regulation 879/73/EEC and Regulation 1981/82/EEC are repealed with effect from 1 January 2006. (In the case of Slovenia Regulation 1037/72/EEC and 1981/82/EEC will continue to apply up to and including the 2006 harvest.)
APPLICATION: 1 January 2006.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 7 December 2005.