The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Mihael Brejc (EPP-ED, Slovenia) and made some amendments to the Belgian, Austrian and Finnish initiative concerning cooperation between Asset Recovery Offices of the Member States in the field of tracing and identification of proceeds from crime:
- a Member State may set up or designate two Asset Recovery Offices. Where a Member State has more than two units having the same powers, charged with facilitating the tracing and identification of proceeds of crime, no more than two units may be designated as national contact points. This amendment is intended to make it clear that there is no need to set up a new national contact point if a Member State already has asset recovery units which would be given that competence. If that competence is to be allocated to such units, only two of them can be designated national contact points.
- Parliament deleted Article 5 on the use of information or documents obtained under the Decision, since it felt that the substance of it was already included in other Articles of this Council Framework Decision.