Resolution on the EU-Russia summit in Helsinki on 24 November 2006


The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the EU-Russia Summit in Helsinki on 24 November 2006.

The resolution was tabled by the EPP-ED, PES, ALDE, Greens/EFA, GUE/NGL and UEN groups.

The resolution acknowledges the importance of Russia as a strategic cooperation partner and stresses the importance of unity and solidarity among the EU Member States in their relations with Russia. MEPs deplore the disputes about the export of agricultural and fish products from the EU to Russia and insist that the EU show the necessary solidarity with all Member States, in particular Poland, which is suffering discrimination under Russia's trade policy.

MEPs stress that a robust defence of human rights and democratic values should be a core principle of any EU engagement with Russia. In this context, they note that the current situation in Russia gives rise to serious concern in terms of respect for human rights, democracy, freedom of expression and the rights of civil society and individuals to challenge and hold the authorities accountable for their actions. The Parliament expresses its deep concern about the use of torture in Russian prisons and police stations and in secret detention centres in Chechnya, as well as about the continuing series of murders of prominent persons, such as Anna Politkovskaya, who oppose the current Russian Government.

In this regard, the Parliament expresses serious concern at the measures implemented by Russia against Georgia and calls on the Russian authorities to stop the ongoing repression of ethnic Georgians living in Russia.

MEPs welcome the agreement reached at the EU-Russia Summit to phase out the fees which Russia charges to EU airlines flying over Siberia, one of the last hurdles the EU identified after its agreement with Russia on the country's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The resolution also stresses the strategic importance of cooperation on energy and the need to enhance EU-Russia energy relations, with the objective of avoiding oligopolistic market structures and diversifying the EU's energy supply.

Russia is also called upon to respect the principles of the Energy Charter Treaty, which entered into force in April 1998, and to increase cooperation on energy efficiency, energy saving and renewable energy.