The committee adopted the report by Ioannis GKLAVAKIS (EPP-ED, GR) broadly approving the proposed regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries Policy. It tabled just two amendments:
- the proposed reallocation of the tonnage withdrawn with public aid should be increased from 4%, as proposed by the Commisson, to 10%. MEPs argued that 4% was too low in relation to the whole of the coastal fishing fleet and was not sufficient to improve safety, hygiene, working conditions and product quality on board;
- the compulsory 20% reduction in engine power (a condition of being able to replace a vessel's engine using public aid) for vessels over 12 m in length "must not under any circumstances diminish the vessel's safeness, habitability or the efficiency of fish-processing systems".