PURPOSE: to recast the Regulation setting up the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Regulation 1920/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addition (recast).
BACKGROUND: the European Drugs Monitoring Centre was established by Council Regulation 302/1993/EEC. Since its approval, however, the Regulation has been substantially amended. In the interest of clarity, it has been decided to recast the Regulation; the purpose of this present Regulation. As well as recasting the Regulation new, needed, elements have been incorporated into the recast legislative act.
CONTENT: this Regulation provides for the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction which is to be based in Lisbon. Its objectives are: to provide the Community and its Member States with factual, objective, reliable and comparable information on drugs, drug addiction and the consequences of drugs on European society. The data thus collected will help the Community gain an overall view of the drug and drug addiction situation. The Centre may not go beyond the sphere of collecting information specified in the Regulation’s provisions. Further, the Centre will not be allowed to collect any data which may make it possible to identify individuals or small groups of individuals and it must refrain from transmitting information relating to specific named cases.
In order to achieve its stated objectives the Centre will be given the following tasks:
- to collect and analyse existing data;
- to improve upon data-comparison methods;
- to disseminate the data received;
- to co-operate with European and international bodies and organisations as well as with third countries; and
- to inform the national authorities of any new developments and changing trends that it has identified.
The Centre will need to focus on the following priorities:
- monitoring the state of the drugs problem;
- monitoring emerging trends;
- monitoring the solutions applied to drug related problems;
- providing information on Member State best practices;
- assessing the risk of new psychoactive substances and to maintain a rapid information system with regard to their use;
- maintaining a rapid information system regarding the new methods used for existing psychoactive substances; and
- developing the tools and instruments needed to help the Member States monitor and evaluate their national policies.
At the Centre’s disposal will be a network entitled the “European Information Network on Drugs and Drug Addiction” (Reitox). This network will consist of one focal point for each Member State and each country which has concluded an agreement with the Commission. They are to act as the interface between the participating countries and the Centre.
The Centre will be made up of: a Management Board, an Executive Committee, a Director and a Scientific Committee. The Regulation requires that the Centre seek active co-operation with other international bodies and NGO’s involved in the drug’s sector. It will be open to the participation of any third country that shares similar interests to that of the Community and its Member States.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 16 January 2007.
REPEALED: Regulation 302/1993/EEC.