Water management: quality required of shellfish waters (repeal. Directive 79/923/EEC). Codification


PURPOSE: to codify Directive 79/923/EEC.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Directive 2006/113/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the quality required of shellfish waters (codified version).

CONTENT: the purpose of this Regulation is to codify EU provisions on the quality of shellfish waters. It applies to those coastal and brackish waters in need of protection in order to support shellfish. In codifying legislative acts that have been amended frequently the EU is seeking to both simplify and clarify EU legislation.

The new Directive supersedes the various acts incorporated in it. It fully preserves the content of the acts being codified and hence does no more than bring them together, with only such formal amendments as are required by the codification exercise itself.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 16 January 2007.