European year of intercultural dialogue 2008: respect and promote cultural diversity in Europe and develop an active European citizenship


PURPOSE: to establish a “European Year of Intercultural Dialogue” in 2008.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision No 1983/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008).

CONTENT: the purpose of the Decision is to designate 2008 as the "European Year of Intercultural Dialogue" to contribute to giving expression and a higher profile to intercultural dialogue. At the request of the European Parliament, the objectives of 2008 should continue beyond that year.

Objectives of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue: with an overall budget of EUR 10 million, the specific objectives of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue are as follows:

  • promote intercultural dialogue, in a cultural environment where different cultural identities and beliefs coexist;
  • encourage intercultural dialogue in order to contribute to a diverse and dynamic society, not only in Europe but also in the world;
  • raise the awareness of all those living in the EU, in particular young people, of the importance of developing an active European citizenship which is open to the world and respects cultural diversity and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union;
  • highlight the contribution of different cultures to the heritage and ways of life of the Member States.

The purpose of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue should also be to: (i) raise the awareness of young people of the importance of engaging in intercultural dialogue in their daily life; (ii) share best practices in promoting intercultural dialogue, especially among young people and children; (iii) foster the role of education as an important medium for teaching about diversity; (iv) raise the profile and increase the coherence of all Community programmes and actions contributing to intercultural dialogue; (v) explore new approaches to intercultural dialogue.

Types of aid and implementing measures: the Decision lists the type of activities that are financed to reach all of these objectives. The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue provides for the financing or co-financing of four main types of action:

1)      events and initiatives on a European scale;

2)      events and initiatives at national level and regional level with a strong European dimension;

3)      information and promotion campaigns, particularly in cooperation with the media and civil society organisations at Community and national level;

4)      surveys and studies on a Community or national scale and consultation with transnational networks and civil society stakeholders.

The annex to the Decision gives indications as to the nature of the co-financing provided for under the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and the implementing measures for the main types of action.

Overall, actions will be financed or co-financed as follows:

  • co-financing of actions on a Community scale: a limited number of emblematic actions on a European scale aimed at raising awareness, particularly among young people, of the objectives of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue may receive a Community grant of up to 80% of the total cost (for example, a Community event to open and close the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue). As an indication, approximately 30% of the total budget allocated will be devoted to these actions;
  • co-financing of actions on a national scale: actions at national level with a strong European dimension may fulfil the conditions for receiving Community aid of up to 50% of the total cost. As an indication, approximately 30% of the total budget allocated will be devoted to these actions;
  • actions on a Community scale: several types of action are provided for in this section. They will be financed either through calls for proposals or a Community grant. They are information and promotion actions (information campaign coordinated at Community level and articulated in the Member States; cooperation with the private sector, the media, educational institutions and other partners from the civil society; the design of a logo and slogans for use in connection with any activity linked to the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue; measures for raising the profile of Community programmes; the establishment of a web portal to make actions in the field of intercultural dialogue accessible to the general public) or actions such as surveys, studies, etc. The financial resources dedicated to this section shall not exceed 40% of the total budget allocated;
  • actions receiving non-financial Community support: the Community will grant non-financial support, including written authorisation to use the logo of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, in initiatives from public or private organisations. Initiatives organised in third countries in association or cooperation with the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, without being supported financially by it, may also receive non-financial support from the Community.

With a view to implementing all of these measures, each Member State shall appoint a national coordination body responsible for organising that Member State's participation in the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, involving all the various parties to intercultural dialogue at national, regional and local level. Decisions on the awarding of grants shall be taken by the Commission, assisted by a specific committee. The Commission shall ensure a balanced and fair distribution between the Member States. Preparatory action shall be limited to 30% of the overall budget.

Involvement of third countries and international organisations: at the request of the European Parliament, projects may involve international organisations such as the Council of Europe and UNESCO. Initiatives organised in third countries in association or cooperation with the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue may receive non-financial support from the Community and use the logo and other materials associated with the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (accession and candidate countries, EFTA countries, countries of the western Balkans, partner countries of the European neighbourhood policy or other developing countries).

Coherence of measures and complementarity: the Commission shall ensure the complementarity of measures financed during the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue with other Community measures with an intercultural dimension.

Supervision and evaluation: standard provisions for the monitoring and supervision of financed measures are provided for. The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue should also be subject to an overall evaluation by 31 December 2009 in a report to be submitted to the European Parliament. That evaluation may serve as a basis for future EU policies, measures and actions in this field.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 31 December 2006.