The Council took note of Commissioner Fischer Boel’s presentation on the abolition of maize intervention and held an exchange of views on this matter.
Several Member States disagreed with the proposed abolition of the intervention system, which they consider necessary for market stability. They invited the Commission to postpone any decision at least until the effects on the market of the changes adopted in 2006 on maize quality requirements, had been gauged.
The Council invited the Special Committee on Agriculture to continue the examination of the proposal and to report to the Council on this matter.
Having noted that there was not a majority in favour of the proposal at this stage, Commissioner Fisher Boel indicated that the situation had changed dramatically since the accession of the new EU Member States. She took note of the worries expressed by some Member States and mentioned that the other proposal on financing intervention was intended to limit the impact on such regions (See: CNS/2007/0005), pointing out that it was necessary to change the system and indicated that she would co-operate with the Presidency to explore alternatives to abolition.