Livestock and meat statistics


PURPOSE: to establish a common framework for the systematic production of Community statistics on livestock and meat production

PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.

CONTENT: this proposal comes about as a result of the Communications of 14 November 2006 on a strategic review of Better Regulation in the EU and on reduction of the response burden, simplification and priority-setting in the field of Community statistics. (Please refer to COM(2006)0693).

Statistics on meat and livestock are essential for the management of the EU markets. The current legislation had become so complex that both vertical and horizontal codification was envisaged, but this did not appear to be the most efficient way towards better legislation. It was also considered essential for poultry meat statistics to be covered in addition to pig, bovine, sheep and goat meat statistics.

Accordingly, the objective of this proposal is the provision by the EU Member States of statistics on livestock (twice a year on pigs and bovine animals and every year on sheep and goats), monthly statistics on slaughterings (heads and carcass weights of pigs, bovine animals, sheep, goats and poultry), and forecasts of meat production (pig meat, bovine meat, sheep and goat meat).

There is no obligation for the Member States to make any changes in their administrative systems relating to the production of meat and livestock statistics. The only new item proposed for data collection in this Regulation is for poultry, which is already being implemented at EU level under a gentleman’s agreement.

The requirement for statistics instead of survey results, the reduced frequency of some data submissions and the option of making greater use of sources other than surveys (e.g. administrative sources) should reduce the financial and administrative burden on national authorities.

The reduced breakdown of data by regions and by herd size, the reduced frequency of pig surveys, the exemptions granted to the Member States with animal populations under certain thresholds, and the harmonised transmission deadlines will simplify the work for the EU and national administrations.

On coverage, the proposal states that Member States must produce statistics relating to the number of pigs, bovine animals, sheep and goats held on agricultural holdings within their territory. Member States conducting sample surveys shall cover sufficient agricultural holdings to account for at least 95% of the entire population, as determined by the last survey on the structure of agricultural holdings.

Lastly, the existing legislation, Council Directive 93/23/EEC on the statistical surveys to be carried out on pig production, Council Directive 93/24/EEC on the statistical surveys to be carried out on bovine animal production and Council Directive 93/25/EEC on the statistical surveys to be carried out on sheep and goat stocks, will be repealed.