PURPOSE: to establish a Joint Undertaking to develop SESAR.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Regulation (EC) No 219/2007 on the establishment of a joint Undertaking to develop the new generation European air traffic management system (SESAR).
CONTENT: in 2004 the EU adopted four legislative acts to create the single European Sky. They consist of one framework Regulation and three implementing Regulations on:
- the provision of air navigation service in the single European sky (service provision Regulation);
- the organisation and use of airspace in the single European sky (airspace Regulation); and
- the inter-operability European Air Traffic Management network (inter-operability Regulation).
The purpose of this Regulation is to establish a fourth component: the modernisation of air traffic management in Europe. The modernisation of air traffic management in Europe will be realised through the SESAR project. In summary, this Regulation deals with the technological element of the single European sky.
The primary aim of the SESAR project will be to offer the Community, by 2020, a high-performance air traffic control infrastructure capable of delivering safe and environmentally friendly air transport. In other activities, SESAR will integrate and co-ordinate research and development activities in order to avoid duplication.
SESAR is defined by three phases:
- Definition;
- Development;
- Deployment.
Definition (2005-2008): The definition phase, which began in October 2005, defines the different technological steps, SESAR’s modernisation priorities and the operational plans for implementing the project. It will be carried out under the responsibility of Eurocontrol and by a consortium of undertakings. At the end of the definition phase Eurocontrol and industry will present the “European Air Traffic Management Master Plan” or ATM Master Plan, the purpose of which is to define the work programme for the following phase. The Joint Undertaking (see below) will be set up before the end of the definition phase.
Development (2008-2013): The purpose of the development phase will be to develop new equipments, systems and standards. Eventually these will allow for converged technologies and a fully interoperable Air Traffic Management system in Europe.
Deployment (2014-2020): The deployment phase will be characterised by the large scale production and implementation of the new air traffic management infrastructure – which will be composed of fully harmonised and interoperable components.
In order to rationalise the activities (e.g. financing, technical expertise etc) the Regulation sets up a Joint Undertaking, based in Brussels. The Joint Undertaking will cease to exist after eight years - upon completion of the ATM Mater Plan. Completion of the ATM Master Plan should coincide with the completion of the definition phase.
The main task of the Joint Undertaking (the statutes of which are set out in Annex to the Regulation) will be to manage the research, development and validation activities of the SESAR project. It will do so by combing public and private sector funding and by relying on Eurocontrol’s experience and expertise. Its aim will be to ensure the modernisation of the European air traffic management system by co-ordinating all relevant research and development efforts in the Community.
In terms of Community funding, the research component will be funded mostly through the 7th Framework programme although additional funding will stem from the Trans-European Network programme. Specific funding for the Joint Undertaking, on the other hand, will be limited to the development phase only and be covered by the current financial framework (2007-2013). After 2013 all Community contributions to the Joint Undertaking will cease to exist. Public funds will also be supplemented by financial contributions from industry.
The Joint Undertaking will be a non-profit entity. Public financing for the definition and development phases of the SESAR project are substantial and investments in a new generation of air traffic management will be made by the Member States. As a result the Member States (including bodies designated by the Member States), the EU and/or Eurocontrol will be allowed access free of charge, for non-commercial purposes, to the knowledge resulting from the project and be allowed to use this knowledge for their own purposes – including calls for public tender.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 3 March 2007.