Financial instrument for civil protection


PURPOSE: to establish a Civil Protection Financial Instrument.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Decision 2007/162/EC, Euratom establishing a Civil Protection Financial Instrument.

BACKGROUND: with the adoption of the new financial perspectives 2007-2013, a series of new instruments have been adopted and replace the instruments from the previous financial perspectives. The funding provided under the new instrument will increase the effectiveness of rapid response and preparedness measures for major emergencies, particularly measures taken by way of the cooperation between Member States established by Council Decision 2001/792/EC, Euratom on an assistance intervention mechanism (see CNS/2000/0248). This Decision aims to replace the previous instrument.

Overall, the new instrument will establish a civil protection financial instrument under which financial assistance may be given, both as a contribution to improving the effectiveness of response to major emergencies, in particular in the context of Decision 2001/792/EC, Euratom, and to enhancing preventive and preparedness measures for all kinds of emergencies such as natural and man-made disasters, acts of terrorism including chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear terrorism, and technological, radiological or environmental accidents.

However, to avoid duplication of effort and funding, certain areas are not eligible for funding with this instrument, e.g. the actions and measures included in the action programme "Health and consumer protection 2007-2013" or the action programme in the field of consumer policy (COD/2005/0042A and COD/2005/0042B), those implemented outside the EU through the stability instrument (COD/2004/0223)  and those provided for by the specific programme on terrorism or relating to the maintenance of order and internal security. Moreover, funding is excluded where the proposed action or measure is already funded by another European financial instrument.

CONTENT: this Decision establishes a Civil Protection Financial Instrument to support and complement the efforts of the Member States for the protection, primarily of people but also of the environment and property, including cultural heritage, in the event of natural and man-made disasters, acts of terrorism and technological, radiological or environmental accidents and to facilitate reinforced cooperation between the Member States in the field of civil protection.

The Instrument will cover the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.

The financial reference amount for the implementation of the Instrument for the period 2007 to 2013 shall be EUR 189 800 000.

Actions receiving financial assistance under the Instrument shall not receive assistance from other Community financial instruments.

It lays down the rules for the provision of financial assistance for:

  • actions in the field of the Community mechanism to facilitate reinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance interventions (the Mechanism);
  • measures to prevent or reduce the effects of an emergency including the response to accidental marine pollution, emergencies through the Mechanism, inside or outside the Community, where a request is made for assistance in accordance with the Mechanism; and
  • actions designed to enhance the Community's state of preparedness for responses to emergencies, including actions enhancing EU citizens' awareness.

In addition, it makes special provisions to fund certain transport resources in the event of a major emergency.

Actions eligible for financial assistance under the Instrument in the field of prevention and preparedness include the following:

  • studies, surveys, modelling and scenario building;
  • training, exercises, workshops, exchange of staff and experts, creation of networks, demonstration projects and technology transfer to enhance prevention, preparedness and effective response;
  • public information, education and awareness raising and associated dissemination actions, so as to minimise the effects of emergencies on EU citizens and to help EU citizens to protect themselves more effectively;
  • maintaining the functions provided by the Monitoring and Information Centre of the Mechanism (MIC) to facilitate a rapid response in the event of a major emergency;
  • communication measures to promote the visibility of the Community's response;
  • contributing to the development of detection and early warning systems for disasters which may affect the territory of the Member States; 
  • establishment and maintenance of a secure common emergency communication and information system (CECIS) and tools; 
  • monitoring, assessment and evaluation activities;
  • establishment of a programme of lessons learnt from interventions and exercises in the context of the Mechanism.

Actions eligible for financial assistance under the Instrument in the field of response under the Mechanism:

  • dispatching assessment and coordination experts along with their supporting equipment;
  • supporting Member States in obtaining access to equipment and transport resources;
  • complementing the transport provided by Member States by financing additional transport resources necessary for ensuring a rapid response to major emergencies falling in the scope of the Decision. Such actions will be eligible for financial assistance under the Instrument only if certain criteria are met.

Member States requesting financial support for the transportation of their assistance shall reimburse at least 50 % of the Community funds received, not later than 180 days after the intervention.

Evaluation: actions receiving financial assistance under the Instrument shall be monitored regularly in order to follow their implementation. The Commission shall submit the following to the European Parliament and to the Council:

- no later than 31 December 2008, a first evaluation report on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of this Decision;

- no later than 30 June 2010, an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of this Decision;

- no later than 31 December 2011, a communication on the continuation of this Decision;

- no later than 31 December 2014, an ex post evaluation report.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: the Decision shall apply from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.