Cereals: common organisation of the market CMO


The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the common organisation of the market in cereals. It departed from the position advocated by rapporteur, Béla Glattfelder (EPP-ED, HU) and the Agriculture Committee, which wanted to reject the Commission's proposal.  Parliament instead voted for a package of amendments tabled by Socialist, Liberal and Green MEPs seeking to reduce public buying-in of maize gradually over a three-year period.

MEPs believe the sudden abolition of the intervention scheme as of this year would hit the new Member States hard, when spring sowing has already begun. They propose to cap the amounts of maize bought into intervention at 2 million tonnes for 2007/2008, 1 million tonnes in 2008/2009 and zero tonnes from 2009/2010.

Parliament also calls on the Commission to present by 31 December 2008 a report evaluating trends in the maize market, the economic situation of the sector and the possible abolition or extension of the intervention scheme, accompanied by fresh legislative proposals if appropriate.