
Road vehicles: maximum weights and dimensions (repeal. Directive 83/3/EEC). Codification

Basic information


SYN - Cooperation procedure (historic)

Amended by 2000/0060(COD)
Amended by 2013/0105(COD)
Amended by 2018/0130(COD)


3.20.05 Road transport: passengers and freight
3.40.03 Motor industry, cycle and motorcycle, commercial and agricultural vehicles


Procedure completed

Key players

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
15/12/1993 Legislative proposal published COM(1993)0679
23/02/1994 Committee referral announced in Parliament
10/10/1994 Vote in committee
10/10/1994 Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading A4-0015/1994
14/11/1994 Debate in Parliament
15/11/1994 Decision by Parliament T4-0104/1994
26/06/1995 Modified legislative proposal published COM(1995)0193
08/12/1995 Council position published 11101/3/1995
18/01/1996 Committee referral announced in Parliament, 2nd reading
22/02/1996 Vote in committee, 2nd reading
22/02/1996 Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading A4-0044/1996
14/03/1996 Decision by Parliament, 2nd reading T4-0121/1996
14/03/1996 Debate in Parliament
14/05/1996 Modified legislative proposal published COM(1996)0208
23/07/1996 Act adopted by Council after consultation of Parliament
23/07/1996 End of procedure in Parliament
17/09/1996 Final act published in Official Journal

Technical information

Procedure reference 1993/0486(SYN)
Procedure type SYN - Cooperation procedure (historic)
Procedure subtype Codification
Amended by 2000/0060(COD)
Amended by 2013/0105(COD)
Amended by 2018/0130(COD)
Legal basis EC before Amsterdam E 075
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed
Committee dossier TRAN/4/07381

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