
Immigration, role of Frontex and cooperation between the Member States

Basic information


RSP - Resolutions on topical subjects


7.10.04 External borders crossing and controls, visas
7.10.06 Asylum, refugees, displaced persons; Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
7.10.08 Migration policy
8.40.08 Agencies and bodies of the EU


Procedure completed

Key players

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
15/09/2009 Debate in Parliament
15/09/2009 End of procedure in Parliament
21/09/2009 Debate in Council

Technical information

Procedure reference 2009/2673(RSP)
Procedure type RSP - Resolutions on topical subjects
Procedure subtype Resolution on statement
Legal basis Rules of Procedure EP 132-p2
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed