Noise-related operating restrictions at Union airports: rules and procedures
Basic information
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
Repealing Directive 2002/30/EC 2001/0282(COD)
3.20.01 Air transport and air freight
3.70.07 Noise pollution
Procedure completed
Key players
European Parliament
Committee responsible Rapporteur Appointed TRANTransport and Tourism
Former committee responsible Former rapporteur Appointed TRANTransport and Tourism
Former committee for opinion Former rapporteur for opinion Appointed ENVIEnvironment, Climate and Food Safety
Council of the European Union
Council configuration Meetings Date Transport, Telecommunications and Energy 3134 12/12/2011 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy 3171 07/06/2012 Agriculture and Fisheries 3293 17/02/2014 Agriculture and Fisheries 3307 24/03/2014 -
European Commission
Commission DG Commissioner Mobility and Transport KALLAS Siim
Technical information
Procedure reference | 2011/0398(COD) |
Procedure type | COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure) |
Procedure subtype | Legislation |
Legislative instrument | Regulation |
Repealing Directive 2002/30/EC 2001/0282(COD) | |
Legal basis | Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 100-p2 |
Mandatory consultation of other institutions | European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions |
Stage reached in procedure | Procedure completed |
Committee dossier |
Documentation gateway
Document type Committee Reference Date Summary Amendments tabled in committee PE492.695 11/07/2012 Committee draft report PE494.543 26/07/2012 Amendments tabled in committee PE496.539 28/09/2012 Committee opinion ENVI PE489.710 15/10/2012 Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading A7-0372/2012 21/11/2012 Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading T7-0496/2012 12/12/2012 Committee draft report PE529.892 19/03/2014 Amendments tabled in committee PE532.357 03/04/2014 Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading A7-0274/2014 10/04/2014 Text adopted by Parliament, 2nd reading T7-0412/2014 16/04/2014 -
Document type Reference Date Summary Council statement on its position 07583/2014 17/03/2014 Council position 05560/2/2014 26/03/2014 Draft final act 00085/2014/LEX 16/04/2014 -
Document type Reference Date Summary Legislative proposal COM(2011)0828 01/12/2011 Document attached to the procedure SEC(2011)1456 01/12/2011 Document attached to the procedure SEC(2011)1455 01/12/2011 Commission communication on Council's position COM(2014)0205 28/03/2014 -
Document type Parliament/Chamber Reference Date Summary Contribution PT_PARLIAMENT COM(2011)0828 24/02/2012 Contribution AT_BUNDESRAT COM(2011)0828 13/04/2012