
Resolution on developing a common EU position ahead of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)

Basic information


RSP - Resolutions on topical subjects


3.70.03 Climate policy, climate change, ozone layer
3.70.20 Sustainable development
6.40.13 Relations with/in the context of international organisations: UN, OSCE, OECD, Council of Europe, EBRD


Procedure completed

Key players

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
28/09/2011 Debate in Parliament
29/09/2011 Decision by Parliament T7-0430/2011
29/09/2011 Results of vote in Parliament
29/09/2011 End of procedure in Parliament

Technical information

Procedure reference 2011/2733(RSP)
Procedure type RSP - Resolutions on topical subjects
Procedure subtype Debate or resolution on oral question/interpellation
Legal basis Rules of Procedure EP 136-p5
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed

Documentation gateway

  • Document type Committee Reference Date Summary
    Oral question/interpellation by Parliament B7-0436/2011 15/09/2011
    Oral question/interpellation by Parliament B7-0437/2011 16/09/2011
    Motion for a resolution B7-0522/2011 20/09/2011
    Text adopted by Parliament, single reading T7-0430/2011 29/09/2011