Development aspects of intellectual property rights on genetic resources: the impact on poverty reduction in developing countries
Basic information
INI - Own-initiative procedure
3.50.15 Intellectual property, copyright
4.10.05 Social inclusion, poverty, minimum income Genetics and bioethics
6.30 Development cooperation
Procedure completed
Key players
European Parliament
Committee responsible Rapporteur Appointed DEVEDevelopment
GRÈZE Catherine (Verts/ALE)
Committee for opinion Rapporteur for opinion Appointed INTAInternational Trade
ENVIEnvironment, Climate and Food Safety
The committee decided not to give an opinion. JURILegal Affairs
CASTEX Françoise (S&D)
European Commission
Commission DG Commissioner International Cooperation and Development PIEBALGS Andris
Technical information
Procedure reference | 2012/2135(INI) |
Procedure type | INI - Own-initiative procedure |
Procedure subtype | Initiative |
Legal basis | Rules of Procedure EP 55 |
Stage reached in procedure | Procedure completed |
Committee dossier |
Documentation gateway
Document type Committee Reference Date Summary Committee draft report PE494.609 25/07/2012 Amendments tabled in committee PE497.985 17/10/2012 Amendments tabled in committee PE498.029 19/10/2012 Committee opinion JURI PE496.434 06/11/2012 Amendments tabled in committee PE500.446 09/11/2012 Committee opinion INTA PE497.979 27/11/2012 Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading A7-0423/2012 14/12/2012 Text adopted by Parliament, single reading T7-0007/2013 15/01/2013