
Shortage of payments for financing EU external aid

Basic information


RSP - Resolutions on topical subjects


6.10.05 Peace preservation, humanitarian and rescue tasks, crisis management
6.30.02 Financial and technical cooperation and assistance
6.50 Emergency, food, humanitarian aid, aid to refugees, Emergency Aid Reserve
8.70.60 Previous annual budgets
8.70.70 Flexibility instrument


Procedure completed

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
16/04/2014 Debate in Parliament
16/04/2014 End of procedure in Parliament

Technical information

Procedure Information
Procedure reference 2014/2697(RSP)
Procedure type RSP - Resolutions on topical subjects
Nature of procedure Debate or resolution on oral question/interpellation
Legal basis Rules of Procedure EP 136-p5
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed