
Form of financing which is not linked to costs of the relevant operations

Basic information


DEA - Delegated acts procedure

Supplementing 2011/0276(COD)

Subject Rural development, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
3.15.17 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
4.10.15 European Social Fund (ESF), Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD)
4.70.01 Structural funds, investment funds in general, programmes
4.70.02 Cohesion policy, Cohesion Fund (CF)
4.70.07 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)


Procedure completed - delegated act enters into force

Key players

  • European Parliament
    Committee responsible Rapporteur Appointed
    Regional Development
    Committee for opinion Rapporteur for opinion Appointed
    Employment and Social Affairs
    (Associated committee)

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
15/02/2019 Non-legislative basic document published C(2019)01090
15/02/2019 Initial period for examining delegated act 2.0 month(s)
13/03/2019 Committee referral announced in Parliament
13/03/2019 Referral to associated committees announced in Parliament
19/03/2019 Delegated act not objected by Council
26/04/2019 Delegated act not objected by Parliament

Technical information

Procedure Information
Procedure reference 2019/2584(DEA)
Procedure type DEA - Delegated acts procedure
Nature of procedure Examination of delegated act
Supplementing 2011/0276(COD)
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed - delegated act enters into force
Committee dossier REGI/8/15596

Documentation gateway

  • Document type Reference Date Summary
    Non-legislative basic document C(2019)01090 15/02/2019