
2030 climate and energy framework. Forest reference levels to be applied by the Member States for the period 2021-2025: amending Annex IV

Basic information


DEA - Delegated acts procedure

Supplementing 2016/0230(COD)


3.10.11 Forestry policy Set-aside and conversion of land
3.70.02 Atmospheric pollution, motor vehicle pollution
3.70.03 Climate policy, climate change, ozone layer
3.70.18 International and regional environment protection measures and agreements


Procedure completed - delegated act enters into force

Key players

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
13/09/2017 Matter referred back to the committee responsible for interinstitutional negotiations
28/10/2020 Non-legislative basic document published C(2020)07316
28/10/2020 Initial period for examining delegated act 2.0 month(s)
11/11/2020 Committee referral announced in Parliament
09/01/2021 Delegated act not objected by Parliament

Technical information

Procedure Information
Procedure reference 2020/2854(DEA)
Procedure type DEA - Delegated acts procedure
Nature of procedure Examination of delegated act
Supplementing 2016/0230(COD)
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed - delegated act enters into force
Committee dossier ENVI/9/04512

Documentation gateway

  • Document type Reference Date Summary
    Non-legislative basic document C(2020)07316 28/10/2020
    Document attached to the procedure SWD(2020)0236 28/10/2020