
Schengen area: digitalisation of the visa procedure

Basic information


COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)


Amending Regulation 1995/1683 1994/0163(CNS)
Amending Regulation 2002/333 2001/0081(CNS)
Amending Regulation 2003/693 2003/0026(CNS)
Amending Regulation 2003/694 2003/0027(CNS)
Amending Regulation 2008/767 2004/0287(COD)
Amending Regulation 2009/810 2006/0142(COD)
Amending Regulation 2017/2226 2016/0106(COD)


7.10.04 External borders crossing and controls, visas

Legislative priorities

Joint Declaration 2022
Joint Declaration 2023-24


Procedure completed

Key players

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
27/04/2022 Legislative proposal published COM(2022)0658
02/05/2022 Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading
31/01/2023 Vote in committee, 1st reading
31/01/2023 Committee decision to open interinstitutional negotiations with report adopted in committee
07/02/2023 Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading A9-0025/2023
13/02/2023 Committee decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations announced in plenary (Rule 71)
15/02/2023 Committee decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations confirmed by plenary (Rule 71)
29/06/2023 Approval in committee of the text agreed at 1st reading interinstitutional negotiations GEDA/A/(2023)003992 PE750.204
17/10/2023 Debate in Parliament
18/10/2023 Decision by Parliament, 1st reading T9-0370/2023
18/10/2023 Results of vote in Parliament
13/11/2023 Act adopted by Council after Parliament's 1st reading
22/11/2023 Final act signed
07/12/2023 Final act published in Official Journal

Technical information

Procedure Information
Procedure reference 2022/0132A(COD)
Procedure type COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
Nature of procedure Legislation
Legislative instrument Regulation
Amending Regulation 1995/1683 1994/0163(CNS)
Amending Regulation 2002/333 2001/0081(CNS)
Amending Regulation 2003/693 2003/0026(CNS)
Amending Regulation 2003/694 2003/0027(CNS)
Amending Regulation 2008/767 2004/0287(COD)
Amending Regulation 2009/810 2006/0142(COD)
Amending Regulation 2017/2226 2016/0106(COD)
Legal basis Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 079-p2 Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 077-p2
Other legal basis Rules of Procedure EP 165
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed
Committee dossier LIBE/9/08944

Documentation gateway

  • Document type Committee Reference Date Summary
    Specific opinion BUDG PE732.719 11/08/2022
    Committee draft report PE737.330 18/10/2022
    Amendments tabled in committee PE739.518 24/11/2022
    Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading A9-0025/2023 07/02/2023
    Text agreed during interinstitutional negotiations PE750.204 21/06/2023
    Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading T9-0370/2023 18/10/2023
  • Document type Reference Date Summary
    Coreper letter confirming interinstitutional agreement GEDA/A/(2023)003992 21/06/2023
    Draft final act 00041/2023/LEX 22/11/2023
  • Document type Reference Date Summary
    Legislative proposal COM(2022)0658 27/04/2022
    Document attached to the procedure SWD(2022)0658 28/04/2022
    Document attached to the procedure SWD(2022)0659 28/04/2022
    Document attached to the procedure SEC(2022)0202 28/04/2022
    Commission response to text adopted in plenary SP(2023)591 17/01/2024
  • Institution/body Document type Reference Date Summary
    EDPS Document attached to the procedure N9-0041/2022 OJ C 277 19.07.2022, p. 0007 21/06/2022
    ESC Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report CES2915/2022 26/10/2022