Ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe. Recast
Basic information
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
3.70.02 Atmospheric pollution, motor vehicle pollution
Legislative priorities
Procedure completed
Key players
European Parliament
Committee responsible Rapporteur Appointed Committee for opinion Rapporteur for opinion Appointed TAX Vera (S&D)
JURIThe committee decided not to give an opinion. Committee for opinion on the recast technique Rapporteur for opinion Appointed JURI -
European Commission
Commission DG Commissioner Environment SINKEVIČIUS Virginijus
Key events
Date | Event | Reference | Summary |
26/10/2022 | Legislative proposal published | COM(2022)0542 | |
19/01/2023 | Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading | ||
27/06/2023 | Vote in committee, 1st reading | ||
05/07/2023 | Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading | A9-0233/2023 | |
12/09/2023 | Debate in Parliament | ||
13/09/2023 | Decision by Parliament, 1st reading | T9-0318/2023 | |
13/09/2023 | Results of vote in Parliament | ||
13/09/2023 | Matter referred back to the committee responsible for interinstitutional negotiations | ||
11/03/2024 | Approval in committee of the text agreed at 1st reading interinstitutional negotiations | PE761.037 GEDA/A/(2024)001398 | |
24/04/2024 | Decision by Parliament, 1st reading | T9-0319/2024 | |
24/04/2024 | Results of vote in Parliament | ||
14/10/2024 | Act adopted by Council after Parliament's 1st reading | ||
23/10/2024 | Final act signed | ||
20/11/2024 | Final act published in Official Journal |
Technical information
Procedure reference | 2022/0347(COD) |
Procedure type | COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure) |
Procedure subtype | Recast |
Legislative instrument | Directive |
Legal basis | Rules of Procedure EP 113 Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 192 |
Mandatory consultation of other institutions | European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions |
Stage reached in procedure | Procedure completed |
Committee dossier |
Documentation gateway
Document type Committee Reference Date Summary Committee draft report PE742.410 23/02/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE745.351 28/03/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE745.423 03/04/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE745.424 03/04/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE745.427 12/04/2023 Committee opinion TRAN PE742.298 25/05/2023 Committee draft report PE749.886 08/06/2023 Specific opinion JURI PE750.118 27/06/2023 Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading A9-0233/2023 05/07/2023 Text adopted by Parliament, partial vote at 1st reading/single reading T9-0318/2023 13/09/2023 Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading T9-0319/2024 24/04/2024 -
Document type Reference Date Summary Coreper letter confirming interinstitutional agreement GEDA/A/(2024)001398 08/03/2024 Draft final act 00088/2024/LEX 23/10/2024 -
Document type Reference Date Summary Legislative proposal COM(2022)0542 26/10/2022 Document attached to the procedure SWD(2022)0345 27/10/2022 Document attached to the procedure SEC(2022)0542 27/10/2022 Document attached to the procedure SWD(2022)0542 27/10/2022 Document attached to the procedure SWD(2022)0545 27/10/2022 Commission response to text adopted in plenary SP(2024)394 08/08/2024 -
Document type Parliament/Chamber Reference Date Summary Contribution CZ_CHAMBER COM(2022)0542 10/02/2023 Contribution CZ_SENATE COM(2022)0542 13/03/2023 Contribution ES_PARLIAMENT COM(2022)0542 21/03/2023 Contribution DE_BUNDESRAT COM(2022)0542 11/04/2023 Contribution RO_SENATE COM(2022)0542 12/04/2023 Contribution IT_SENATE COM(2022)0542 08/06/2023 Contribution PT_PARLIAMENT COM(2022)0542 15/09/2023 -
Institution/body Document type Reference Date Summary ESC Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report CES5604/2022 22/02/2023 CofR Committee of the Regions: opinion CDR6180/2022 05/07/2023
Additional information
Source | Document | Date |
EP Research Service | Briefing | 19/04/2024 |
Meetings with interest representatives published in line with the Rules of Procedure
Name Role Committee Date Interest representatives LINS Norbert Shadow rapporteur ENVI 21/02/2024 Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk LÓPEZ Javi Rapporteur ENVI 19/02/2024 ClientEarth AISBL
European Environmental Bureau
Transport and Environment (European Federation for Transport and Environment)
HEAL Health and Environment AllianceLINS Norbert Shadow rapporteur ENVI 09/02/2024 The European Steel Association PAULUS Jutta Shadow rapporteur for opinion TRAN 07/02/2024 ClientEarth AISBL
European Environmental BureauLINS Norbert Shadow rapporteur ENVI 24/01/2024 Contexte Magazine LÓPEZ Javi Rapporteur ENVI 24/01/2024 Ajuntament de Barcelona KOKKALIS Petros Shadow rapporteur ENVI 17/01/2024 ClientEarth AISBL LÓPEZ Javi Rapporteur ENVI 16/01/2024 Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU
Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EULINS Norbert Shadow rapporteur ENVI 05/01/2024 The European Steel Association LÓPEZ Javi Rapporteur ENVI 08/12/2023 European Environmental Agency
Name Date Interest representatives WÖLKEN Tiemo 24/10/2023 Ständige Vertretung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland DANTI Nicola 12/09/2023 European Environmental Bureau
Cittadini per l'Aria ONLUSWÖLKEN Tiemo 11/09/2023 ClientEarth AISBL BENIFEI Brando 11/09/2023 CITTADINI PER L'ARIA CHAHIM Mohammed 20/07/2023 ClientEarth WÖLKEN Tiemo 25/05/2023 Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. LIMMER Sylvia 24/01/2023 Deutsches Umweltbundesamt CERDAS Sara 20/01/2023 All Policies for a Healthy Europe
Johnson & Johnson
Vodafone Belgium SA
Europe Cancer Patient CoalitionCUFFE Ciarán 06/12/2022 European Society of Cardiology
Final act
Directive 2024/2881
OJ OJ L 20.11.2024