
Union certification framework for carbon removals

Basic information


COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)



2.10.03 Standardisation, EC/EU standards and trade mark, certification, compliance
3.70.02 Atmospheric pollution, motor vehicle pollution

Legislative priorities

Joint Declaration 2022
Joint Declaration 2023-24


Procedure completed

Key players

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
30/11/2022 Legislative proposal published COM(2022)0672
01/02/2023 Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading
11/05/2023 Referral to associated committees announced in Parliament
24/10/2023 Vote in committee, 1st reading
03/11/2023 Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading A9-0329/2023
20/11/2023 Referral to associated committees announced in Parliament
20/11/2023 Debate in Parliament
21/11/2023 Decision by Parliament, 1st reading T9-0402/2023
21/11/2023 Results of vote in Parliament
21/11/2023 Matter referred back to the committee responsible for interinstitutional negotiations
11/03/2024 Approval in committee of the text agreed at 1st reading interinstitutional negotiations PE759.876 GEDA/A/(2024)001377
10/04/2024 Decision by Parliament, 1st reading T9-0195/2024
10/04/2024 Results of vote in Parliament
19/11/2024 Act adopted by Council after Parliament's 1st reading
27/11/2024 Final act signed
06/12/2024 Final act published in Official Journal

Technical information

Procedure reference 2022/0394(COD)
Procedure type COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
Procedure subtype Legislation
Legislative instrument Regulation
Legal basis Rules of Procedure EP 57_o Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 192-p1
Mandatory consultation of other institutions European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed
Committee dossier ENVI/9/10830

Documentation gateway

  • Document type Committee Reference Date Summary
    Committee draft report PE745.292 10/05/2023
    Amendments tabled in committee PE749.070 30/05/2023
    Amendments tabled in committee PE749.223 02/06/2023
    Amendments tabled in committee PE749.224 02/06/2023
    Amendments tabled in committee PE749.197 29/06/2023
    Specific opinion ITRE PE746.892 29/06/2023
    Committee opinion AGRI PE746.718 13/09/2023
    Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading A9-0329/2023 03/11/2023
    Text adopted by Parliament, partial vote at 1st reading/single reading T9-0402/2023 21/11/2023
    Text agreed during interinstitutional negotiations PE759.876 08/03/2024
    Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading T9-0195/2024 10/04/2024
  • Document type Reference Date Summary
    Coreper letter confirming interinstitutional agreement GEDA/A/(2024)001377 08/03/2024
    Draft final act 00092/2024/LEX 27/11/2024
  • Document type Reference Date Summary
    Legislative proposal COM(2022)0672 30/11/2022
    Document attached to the procedure SWD(2022)0378 01/12/2022
    Document attached to the procedure SEC(2022)0423 01/12/2022
    Document attached to the procedure SWD(2022)0377 01/12/2022
    Commission response to text adopted in plenary SP(2024)377 29/07/2024
  • Document type Parliament/Chamber Reference Date Summary
    Contribution NL_SENATE COM(2022)0672 03/04/2023
    Contribution DE_BUNDESRAT COM(2022)0672 11/04/2023
    Contribution ES_PARLIAMENT COM(2022)0672 26/04/2023
    Contribution RO_SENATE COM(2022)0672 15/05/2023
    Contribution PT_PARLIAMENT COM(2022)0672 15/09/2023
    Contribution IT_CHAMBER COM(2022)0672 17/11/2023
  • Institution/body Document type Reference Date Summary
    CofR Committee of the Regions: opinion CDR3978/2022 08/02/2023
    ESC Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report CES6159/2022 22/03/2023


Meetings with interest representatives published in line with the Rules of Procedure

  • Name Role Committee Date Interest representatives
    NIINISTÖ Ville Shadow rapporteur ENVI 29/01/2024 Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto - The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation
    NIINISTÖ Ville Shadow rapporteur ENVI 24/01/2024 European Environment Agency
    NIINISTÖ Ville Shadow rapporteur ENVI 18/01/2024 Microsoft Corporation
    WÖLKEN Tiemo Shadow rapporteur ENVI 24/11/2023 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
    WALLACE Mick Shadow rapporteur ENVI 17/11/2023 Fern
    WÖLKEN Tiemo Rapporteur ENVI 15/11/2023 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
    WÖLKEN Tiemo Shadow rapporteur ENVI 13/11/2023 Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU
    NIINISTÖ Ville Shadow rapporteur ENVI 06/11/2023 Carbon Market Watch
    Climate Action Network Europe
    NIINISTÖ Ville Shadow rapporteur ENVI 27/10/2023 Puro.earth
    NIINISTÖ Ville Shadow rapporteur ENVI 17/10/2023 Finnish Forest Industries Federation (Metsäteollisuus ry)
  • Name Date Interest representatives
    TORVALDS Nils 17/11/2023 Confederation of European Forest Owners
    SANDER Anne 13/11/2023 Gide Loyrette Nouel
    KATAINEN Elsi 10/11/2023 Maa- ja metsätaloustuottajain Keskusliitto – Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners
    FUGLSANG Niels 21/06/2023 CCS Alliancen
    FRITZON Heléne 15/06/2023 Stockholm Exergi
    WÖLKEN Tiemo 07/06/2023 Microsoft Corporation
    SIDL Günther 24/05/2023 Bioenergy Europe
    LUENA César 06/02/2023 European Biochar Industry Consortium