Esports and video games
Basic information
INI - Own-initiative procedure
4.10.03 Child protection, children's rights
4.10.13 Sport
4.60 Consumers' protection in general
4.60.02 Consumer information, advertising, labelling
Procedure completed
Key players
European Parliament
Committee responsible Rapporteur Appointed Committee for opinion Rapporteur for opinion Appointed The committee decided not to give an opinion. -
European Commission
Commission DG Commissioner Education, Youth, Sport and Culture -- -- Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs -- --
Key events
Date | Event | Reference | Summary |
10/03/2022 | Committee referral announced in Parliament | ||
03/10/2022 | Vote in committee | ||
12/10/2022 | Committee report tabled for plenary | A9-0244/2022 | |
09/11/2022 | Debate in Parliament | ||
10/11/2022 | Decision by Parliament | T9-0388/2022 | |
10/11/2022 | Results of vote in Parliament |
Technical information
Procedure reference | 2022/2027(INI) |
Procedure type | INI - Own-initiative procedure |
Procedure subtype | Initiative |
Legal basis | Rules of Procedure EP 55 |
Other legal basis | Rules of Procedure EP 165 |
Stage reached in procedure | Procedure completed |
Committee dossier |
Documentation gateway
Document type Committee Reference Date Summary Committee draft report PE731.488 26/04/2022 Amendments tabled in committee PE732.723 31/05/2022 Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading A9-0244/2022 12/10/2022 Text adopted by Parliament, single reading T9-0388/2022 10/11/2022
Meetings with interest representatives published in line with the Rules of Procedure
Name Role Committee Date Interest representatives FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur CULT 05/10/2022 Video Games Europe FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur CULT 27/09/2022 CD Projekt FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur CULT 14/09/2022 Tencent International Service Europe B.V. FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur CULT 19/07/2022 Asobo Studio FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur CULT 05/07/2022 Google FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur CULT 23/06/2022 Groupement Européen des Sociétés d'Auteurs et Compositeurs GEORGOULIS Alexis Shadow rapporteur CULT 18/05/2022 - Yesports.gg , (blockchain/NFT/Metaverse platform) - Gameworld.gr - Pr Agency Pr World - Loresoft - Greek Gaming Academy - Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου - Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών «Σύγχρονη Αθλητική Επικοινωνία, Δημοσιογραφία και Φωτοειδησιογραφία - University of Peloponnese - Master of Science in Modern Sport Communication,Journalism and Photo Press - Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου - Εργαστήριο Δρομικού Κινήματος - Οργάνωσης και Διαχείρισης Αγώνων - University of Peloponnese - Running Movement Lab-Management and Organization of Running Events GEORGOULIS Alexis Shadow rapporteur CULT 11/05/2022 Katarzyna GORGOL-MAEDER International Olympic Committee (IOC), Sergi MESONERO Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE), Marius LAUER International e-sports commentator and consultant, Kimmo LEINONEN City of Espoo/ Board member of the Finnish Esports Federation (SEUL), Samy OUERFELLI Freaks 4U Gaming GmbH, Head of New Business FRITZON Heléne Shadow rapporteur CULT 03/05/2022 Europe's and Sweden's video games industry FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur CULT 21/04/2022 Asobo Studio
Name Date Interest representatives GARCÍA DEL BLANCO Ibán 05/10/2022 Video Games Europe
AEVIGARCÍA DEL BLANCO Ibán 05/07/2022 Video Games Europe GARCÍA DEL BLANCO Ibán 30/03/2022 Equipo de Asuntos Públicos de la Asociación Española de Videojuegos (AEVI)