Implementation report on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
Basic information
INI - Own-initiative procedure
6.20.03 Bilateral economic and trade agreements and relations
6.40 Relations with third countries
Geographical area
United Kingdom
Procedure completed
Key players
European Parliament
Joint committee responsible Rapporteur Appointed AFETINTACommittee for opinion Rapporteur for opinion Appointed BUDGECONFITZGERALD Frances (EPP)
EMPLPÎSLARU Dragoş (Renew)
ENVIITREIMCOTRANThe committee decided not to give an opinion. REGIAGRIHLAVÁČEK Martin (Renew)
European Commission
Commission DG Commissioner Trade DOMBROVSKIS Valdis
Key events
Date | Event | Reference | Summary |
15/12/2022 | Committee referral announced in Parliament | ||
15/12/2022 | Referral to associated committees announced in Parliament | ||
15/12/2022 | Referral to joint committee announced in Parliament | ||
24/10/2023 | Vote in committee | ||
03/11/2023 | Committee report tabled for plenary | A9-0331/2023 | |
23/11/2023 | Decision by Parliament | T9-0436/2023 | |
23/11/2023 | Results of vote in Parliament |
Technical information
Procedure reference | 2022/2188(INI) |
Procedure type | INI - Own-initiative procedure |
Procedure subtype | Implementation |
Legal basis | Rules of Procedure EP 55 Rules of Procedure EP 59 Rules of Procedure EP 57_o |
Stage reached in procedure | Procedure completed |
Committee dossier |
Documentation gateway
Document type Committee Reference Date Summary Amendments tabled in committee PE746.990 11/05/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE749.092 25/05/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE748.989 26/05/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE746.886 30/05/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE749.258 06/06/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE749.296 07/06/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE749.336 08/06/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE749.917 12/06/2023 Specific opinion ENVI PE749.207 13/06/2023 Committee opinion PECH PE745.498 29/06/2023 Committee draft report PE749.327 29/06/2023 Committee opinion AGRI PE745.431 29/06/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE750.224 03/07/2023 Committee opinion IMCO PE745.450 18/07/2023 Committee opinion ECON PE749.008 19/07/2023 Committee opinion EMPL PE749.086 19/07/2023 Committee opinion ITRE PE746.840 20/07/2023 Committee opinion REGI PE746.932 24/07/2023 Specific opinion BUDG PE751.743 31/08/2023 Committee opinion CULT PE749.306 07/09/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE752.874 08/09/2023 Committee opinion LIBE PE746.713 24/10/2023 Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading A9-0331/2023 03/11/2023 Text adopted by Parliament, single reading T9-0436/2023 23/11/2023 -
Document type Reference Date Summary Commission response to text adopted in plenary SP(2024)145 21/05/2024
Meetings with interest representatives published in line with the Rules of Procedure
Name Role Committee Date Interest representatives BOURGEOIS Geert Shadow rapporteur INTA 22/11/2023 UK ambassador to the EU SCHIEDER Andreas Rapporteur AFET 19/09/2023 Office of Mayor of London and Greater London Authority FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur for opinion CULT 11/07/2023 Représentants du gouvernement gallois SCHIEDER Andreas Rapporteur AFET 13/06/2023 British Chamber of Commerce | EU & Belgium SCHIEDER Andreas Rapporteur AFET 24/05/2023 Chair of EU Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) under the EU-UK TCA SCHOLZ Helmut Shadow rapporteur INTA 09/05/2023 UK Mission to the EU FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur for opinion CULT 26/04/2023 Riot Games BARLEY Katarina Rapporteur AFET 25/04/2023 Bar of England and Wales FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur for opinion CULT 13/04/2023 University College London FARRENG Laurence Rapporteur for opinion CULT 12/04/2023 Carry On Touring
Name Date Interest representatives TANG Paul 24/05/2023 Open Rights Group