
Amending the Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act and the Taxonomy Disclosures Delegated Act

Basic information


DEA - Delegated acts procedure

Supplementing 2018/0178(COD)


2.50.03 Securities and financial markets, stock exchange, CIUTS, investments
2.50.05 Insurance, pension funds
2.50.08 Financial services, financial reporting and auditing
3.70.20 Sustainable development


Procedure completed - delegated act enters into force

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
09/03/2022 Non-legislative basic document published C(2022)00631
10/03/2022 Initial period for examining delegated act 4.0 month(s)
23/03/2022 Committee referral announced in Parliament
23/03/2022 Referral to joint committee announced in Parliament
05/07/2022 Debate in Parliament
19/07/2022 Delegated act not objected by Parliament

Technical information

Procedure Information
Procedure reference 2022/2594(DEA)
Procedure type DEA - Delegated acts procedure
Nature of procedure Examination of delegated act
Supplementing 2018/0178(COD)
Legal basis Rules of Procedure EP 114-p03 Rules of Procedure EP 59
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed - delegated act enters into force
Committee dossier CJ36/9/08564

Documentation gateway

  • Document type Committee Reference Date Summary
    Motion for a resolution objecting delegated act B9-0338/2022 27/06/2022
  • Document type Reference Date Summary
    Non-legislative basic document C(2022)00631 09/03/2022
    Document attached to the procedure C(2022)4767 04/07/2022


Meetings with interest representatives published in line with the Rules of Procedure

  • Name Date Interest representatives
    TORVALDS Nils 25/01/2023 Finnish Forest Industries Federation (Metsäteollisuus ry)