Legal tender of euro banknotes and coins
Basic information
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
5.20.02 Single currency, euro, euro area
Legislative priorities
Awaiting committee decision
Key players
European Parliament
Committee responsible Rapporteur Appointed BERGER Stefan (EPP)
Former committee responsible Former rapporteur Appointed BERGER Stefan (EPP)
Committee for opinion Rapporteur for opinion Appointed JURI-
Former committee for opinion Former rapporteur for opinion Appointed JURIThe committee decided not to give an opinion.
European Commission
Commission DG Commissioner Economic and Financial Affairs GENTILONI Paolo
Key events
Date | Event | Reference | Summary |
28/06/2023 | Legislative proposal published | COM(2023)0364 | |
13/07/2023 | Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading | ||
13/11/2024 | Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading |
Technical information
Procedure | Information |
Procedure reference | 2023/0208(COD) |
Procedure type | COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure) |
Nature of procedure | Legislation |
Legislative instrument | Regulation |
Legal basis | Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 133 |
Mandatory consultation of other institutions | European Central Bank |
Stage reached in procedure | Awaiting committee decision |
Committee dossier |
Documentation gateway
Document type Reference Date Summary Legislative proposal COM(2023)0364 28/06/2023 Document attached to the procedure SWD(2023)0234 29/06/2023 Document attached to the procedure SWD(2023)0233 29/06/2023 -
Institution/body Document type Reference Date Summary ECB European Central Bank: opinion, guideline, report CON/2023/0031 OJ C 000 01.12.2023, p. 0000 13/10/2023
Meetings with interest representatives published in line with the Rules of Procedure
Name Role Committee Date Interest representatives TANG Paul Shadow rapporteur ECON 22/03/2024 Banking & Payments Federation Ireland BOYER Gilles Shadow rapporteur ECON 21/03/2024 Banking & Payments Federation Ireland TANG Paul Shadow rapporteur ECON 19/01/2024 International Mint Industry Association MACMANUS Chris Shadow rapporteur ECON 11/01/2024 Financial Services Union MACMANUS Chris Shadow rapporteur ECON 11/01/2024 Central Bank of Ireland BERGER Stefan Rapporteur ECON 09/01/2024 PROSEGUR COMPAÑÍA DE SEGURIDAD TANG Paul Shadow rapporteur ECON 04/12/2023 Banking & Payments Federation Ireland MACMANUS Chris Shadow rapporteur ECON 16/11/2023 ECB BOYER Gilles Shadow rapporteur ECON 15/11/2023 Banking & Payments Federation Ireland