Plants obtained by certain new genomic techniques and their food and feed
Basic information
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
Amending Regulation 2017/625 2013/0140(COD)
Subject Feedingstuffs, animal nutrition Plant health legislation Agro-genetics, GMOs
3.10.10 Foodstuffs, foodstuffs legislation Food safety
Legislative priorities
Awaiting Council's 1st reading position
Key players
European Parliament
Committee responsible Rapporteur Appointed POLFJÄRD Jessica (EPP)
Former committee responsible Former rapporteur Appointed
Former committee for opinion Former rapporteur for opinion Appointed AGRI
European Commission
Commission DG Commissioner Health and Food Safety KYRIAKIDES Stella
Key events
Date | Event | Reference | Summary |
05/07/2023 | Legislative proposal published | COM(2023)0411 | |
19/10/2023 | Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading | ||
19/10/2023 | Referral to associated committees announced in Parliament | ||
24/01/2024 | Vote in committee, 1st reading | ||
29/01/2024 | Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading | A9-0014/2024 | |
06/02/2024 | Debate in Parliament | ||
07/02/2024 | Decision by Parliament, 1st reading | T9-0067/2024 | |
07/02/2024 | Results of vote in Parliament | ||
07/02/2024 | Matter referred back to the committee responsible for interinstitutional negotiations | ||
24/04/2024 | Decision by Parliament, 1st reading | T9-0325/2024 | |
24/04/2024 | Results of vote in Parliament | ||
13/11/2024 | Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading |
Technical information
Procedure reference | 2023/0226(COD) |
Procedure type | COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure) |
Procedure subtype | Legislation |
Legislative instrument | Regulation |
Amending Regulation 2017/625 2013/0140(COD) | |
Legal basis | Rules of Procedure EP 57_o Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 043 Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 168-p4 Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 114 |
Mandatory consultation of other institutions | European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions |
Stage reached in procedure | Awaiting Council's 1st reading position |
Committee dossier |
Documentation gateway
Document type Committee Reference Date Summary Committee draft report PE754.658 25/10/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE756.106 14/11/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE755.986 19/11/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE756.242 19/11/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE756.244 19/11/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE756.243 19/11/2023 Amendments tabled in committee PE754.735 23/11/2023 Committee opinion AGRI PE757.371 08/01/2024 Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading A9-0014/2024 29/01/2024 Text adopted by Parliament, partial vote at 1st reading/single reading T9-0067/2024 07/02/2024 Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading T9-0325/2024 24/04/2024 -
Document type Reference Date Summary Legislative proposal COM(2023)0411 05/07/2023 Document attached to the procedure SWD(2023)0411 06/07/2023 Document attached to the procedure SEC(2023)0411 06/07/2023 Document attached to the procedure SWD(2023)0412 06/07/2023 Document attached to the procedure SWD(2023)0413 06/07/2023 Commission response to text adopted in plenary SP(2024)394 08/08/2024 -
Document type Parliament/Chamber Reference Date Summary Contribution NL_SENATE COM(2023)0411 25/10/2023 Contribution PT_PARLIAMENT COM(2023)0411 27/10/2023 Reasoned opinion CY_PARLIAMENT PE756.210 20/11/2023 Reasoned opinion HU_PARLIAMENT PE756.209 20/11/2023 Contribution RO_SENATE COM(2023)0411 20/11/2023 Contribution DK_PARLIAMENT COM(2023)0411 22/11/2023 Contribution HR_PARLIAMENT COM(2023)0411 27/11/2023 Contribution CZ_SENATE COM(2023)0411 04/12/2023 Contribution IT_SENATE COM(2023)0411 14/12/2023 Contribution IT_CHAMBER COM(2023)0411 07/02/2024 Contribution FR_SENATE COM(2023)0411 03/04/2024 -
Institution/body Document type Reference Date Summary CofR Committee of the Regions: opinion CDR4545/2023 17/04/2024
Additional information
Source | Document | Date |
EP Research Service | Briefing | 28/05/2024 |
Meetings with interest representatives published in line with the Rules of Procedure
Name Role Committee Date Interest representatives CLERGEAU Christophe Shadow rapporteur ENVI 19/11/2024 Testbiotech POLFJÄRD Jessica Rapporteur ENVI 18/09/2024 Euroseeds CLERGEAU Christophe Rapporteur ENVI 24/04/2024 Akiko Frid
Chloe Mathurin
Mute Schimpf
June Rebekka bresson
Peter Sudovský
Gebhard Rossmanith
Hervé le Meur
Eva Corral
Astrid Osterreicher
Diederick Sprangers
Fukumoto Shuhei
Guy Kastler
Maria Zintl
Claire Robinson
Nina HollandCLERGEAU Christophe Rapporteur ENVI 04/04/2024 Akiko Frid
Chloe Mathurin
Mute Schimpf
June Rebekka bresson
Peter Sudovský
Gebhard Rossmanith
Hervé le Meur
Eva Corral
Astrid Osterreicher
Diederick Sprangers
Fukumoto Shuhei
Guy Kastler
Maria Zintl
Claire Robinson
Nina HollandPOLFJÄRD Jessica Rapporteur ENVI 02/02/2024 UK Mission to the European Union OLEKAS Juozas Shadow rapporteur for opinion AGRI 23/01/2024 KeyGene CLERGEAU Christophe Shadow rapporteur ENVI 11/01/2024 Confédération paysanne CHRISTENSEN Asger Shadow rapporteur for opinion AGRI 10/01/2024 Novozymes A/S CLERGEAU Christophe Shadow rapporteur ENVI 15/12/2023 Corporate Europe Observatory
Fédération Nature et Progrès
Greenpeace European UnitCHRISTENSEN Asger Shadow rapporteur for opinion AGRI 12/12/2023 Inari Agriculture NV
Name Date Interest representatives HAYER Valérie 06/02/2025 Corteva Agriscience International SARL HAYER Valérie 02/10/2024 Phyteis (ex Union de l'Industrie de la Protection des Plantes) VAN BREMPT Kathleen 05/04/2024 Biotech lab KUL LUENA César 21/03/2024 Greenpeace European Unit LUTGEN Benoît 05/02/2024 Virginie Pissoort ARIMONT Pascal 05/02/2024 Fédération Nature et Progrès LINS Norbert 05/02/2024 dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG
Frosta AG
Andechser Molkerei Scheitz GmbH
Bioland e.V.
IFOAM Organics EuropeFRANSSEN Cindy 24/01/2024 VARIO - Vlaamse Adviesraad voor Innoveren en Ondernemen LUENA César 23/01/2024 ASAJA DE LANGE Esther 23/01/2024 Glastuinbouw Nederland