
Keeping people healthy, water drinkable and soil liveable: getting rid of forever pollutants and strengthening EU chemical legislation now

Basic information


RSP - Resolutions on topical subjects


3.40.01 Chemical industry, fertilizers, plastics
3.70.01 Protection of natural resources: fauna, flora, nature, wildlife, countryside; biodiversity
3.70.04 Water control and management, pollution of waterways, water pollution
4.20 Public health


Procedure completed

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
19/04/2023 Debate in Parliament
19/04/2023 End of procedure in Parliament

Technical information

Procedure reference 2023/2664(RSP)
Procedure type RSP - Resolutions on topical subjects
Procedure subtype Resolution on statement
Legal basis EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 162
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed