Organisation commune des marchés des produits agricoles 2014-2020. Règlement «OCM unique»

Informations de base


COD - Procédure législative ordinaire (ex-procedure codécision)


Abrogation Règlement (EC) No 1234/2007 2006/0269(CNS)
Modification 2013/0117(COD)
Modification 2014/0014(COD)
Modification 2016/0282B(COD)
Modification 2018/0218(COD)
Modification 2019/0254(COD)
Modification 2022/0089(COD)
Voir aussi 2011/0282(COD)
Voir aussi 2011/0285(COD)
Voir aussi 2011/0286(COD)
Voir aussi 2011/0288(COD)
Voir aussi 2013/0063(COD)
Voir aussi 2013/2529(RSP)


3.10.03 Commercialisation et échanges des produits agricoles et des animaux


Procédure terminée

Acteurs principaux

Evénements clés

Date Evénement Référence Résumé
12/10/2011 Publication de la proposition législative COM(2011)0626
20/10/2011 Débat au Conseil
25/10/2011 Annonce en plénière de la saisine de la commission, 1ère lecture
23/01/2012 Débat au Conseil
18/06/2012 Débat au Conseil
16/07/2012 Débat au Conseil
24/09/2012 Débat au Conseil
22/10/2012 Débat au Conseil
28/11/2012 Débat au Conseil
18/12/2012 Débat au Conseil
19/03/2013 Débat au Conseil
22/04/2013 Débat au Conseil
13/05/2013 Débat au Conseil
24/06/2013 Débat au Conseil
15/07/2013 Débat au Conseil
23/09/2013 Débat au Conseil
30/09/2013 Vote en commission,1ère lecture
06/11/2013 Dépôt du rapport de la commission, 1ère lecture A7-0366/2013
20/11/2013 Décision du Parlement, 1ère lecture T7-0492/2013
20/11/2013 Résultat du vote au parlement
20/11/2013 Débat en plénière
16/12/2013 Adoption de l'acte par le Conseil après la 1ère lecture du Parlement
16/12/2013 Fin de la procédure au Parlement
17/12/2013 Signature de l'acte final
20/12/2013 Publication de l'acte final au Journal officiel

Informations techniques

Procedure Information
Référence de la procédure 2011/0281(COD)
Type de procédure COD - Procédure législative ordinaire (ex-procedure codécision)
Nature de la procédure Note thématique
Instrument législatif Règlement
Abrogation Règlement (EC) No 1234/2007 2006/0269(CNS)
Modification 2013/0117(COD)
Modification 2014/0014(COD)
Modification 2016/0282B(COD)
Modification 2018/0218(COD)
Modification 2019/0254(COD)
Modification 2022/0089(COD)
Voir aussi 2011/0282(COD)
Voir aussi 2011/0285(COD)
Voir aussi 2011/0286(COD)
Voir aussi 2011/0288(COD)
Voir aussi 2013/0063(COD)
Voir aussi 2013/2529(RSP)
Base juridique Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'UE TFEU 043-p2 Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'UE TFEU 042-p1
Consultation obligatoire d’autres institutions Comité économique et social européen
État de la procédure Procédure terminée
Dossier de la commission AGRI/7/07522

Portail de documentation

Informations complémentaires

Source Document Date
Parlements nationaux IPEX
Commission européenne EUR-Lex
Commission européenne EUR-Lex

Actes délégués

Référence Sujet
2015/2770(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/2819(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/2851(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2658(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2670(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2716(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2644(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2645(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2646(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2649(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2652(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2986(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/3012(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/3014(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/2698(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/2753(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/2773(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2865(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/2500(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/2501(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/2580(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/2914(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/2918(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2807(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/3030(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2015/3040(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2789(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2810(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2821(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2822(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2014/2871(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2783(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2887(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2591(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2610(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2666(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2667(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2805(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2811(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2812(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2018/2808(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2019/2636(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2019/2635(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2737(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2740(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2741(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2668(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2708(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2853(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2976(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2977(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2018/2762(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2020/2577(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2020/2617(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2019/3005(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2020/2543(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2020/2632(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2020/2633(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2888(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2018/2709(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2907(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2575(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/2844(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2017/3017(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2018/2889(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2886(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2617(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2016/2973(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2531(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2948(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2020/2700(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2842(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2866(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/3037(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2758(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2020/2711(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2535(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2559(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2798(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2022/2608(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2020/2724(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2928(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2953(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2021/2882(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2020/2694(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2023/2822(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2022/2738(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2022/2799(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2022/2796(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2023/2898(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2022/2781(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2022/2892(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2023/2539(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2023/2763(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2023/2923(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2023/2848(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2022/2780(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2022/2812(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2022/2845(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2022/2890(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2023/2722(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2023/2821(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2023/2820(DEA) Examination of delegated act
2023/2818(DEA) Examination of delegated act