
Rules on the information to be sent by third countries and by control authorities and control bodies for the purpose of supervision of their recognition under Article 33(2) and (3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 for imported organic products and the measures to be taken in the exercise of that supervision

Basic information


DEA - Delegated acts procedure

Supplementing 2014/0100(COD)

Subject Organic farming
3.70.17 European ecolabel and ecolabelling, ecodesign


Procedure completed - delegated act enters into force

Key players

Key events

Date Event Reference Summary
27/05/2021 Non-legislative basic document published C(2021)03572
27/05/2021 Initial period for examining delegated act 2.0 month(s)
09/06/2021 Committee referral announced in Parliament
04/08/2021 Delegated act not objected by Parliament

Technical information

Procedure Information
Procedure reference 2021/2723(DEA)
Procedure type DEA - Delegated acts procedure
Nature of procedure Examination of delegated act
Supplementing 2014/0100(COD)
Stage reached in procedure Procedure completed - delegated act enters into force
Committee dossier AGRI/9/06150

Documentation gateway

  • Document type Reference Date Summary
    Non-legislative basic document C(2021)03572 27/05/2021
    Document attached to the procedure C(2023)6081 05/09/2023