Document reference
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
4.10.04 Gender equality
4.15.08 Work, employment, wages and salaries: equal opportunities women and men, and for all
Legislative priorities
Joint Declaration 2023-24
Joint Declaration 2022
Procedure completed
Commission DGCommissionerDALLI Helena
European Economic and Social Committee
European Parliament
Council of the EUCoreper letter confirming interinstitutional agreementGEDA/A/(2023)00716620/12/2023CSLDraft final act00092/2023/LEX14/05/2024CSL
European Commission
National parliaments
Other institutions
AllCoreper letter confirming interinstitutional agreementGEDA/A/(2023)00716620/12/2023CSLDraft final act00092/2023/LEX14/05/2024CSL
Rapporteurs, Shadow Rapporteurs and Committee ChairsShadow rapporteurFEMM12/07/2023Equinet - the European Network of Equality BodiesRapporteur for opinionLIBE10/07/2023Organisation Intersex International Europe e.V. The European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association Transgender Europe Oxford InShadow rapporteurFEMM10/07/2023Organisation Intersex International Europe e.V. The European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association Transgender Europe
Other Members