Document reference
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
3.20.01 Air transport and air freight
3.20.02 Rail transport: passengers and freight
3.20.03 Maritime transport: passengers and freight
3.20.04 Inland waterway transport
3.20.05 Road transport: passengers and freight
3.70.02 Atmospheric pollution, motor vehicle pollution
3.70.03 Climate policy, climate change, ozone layer
3.70.18 International and regional environment protection measures and agreements
Legislative priorities
Joint Declaration 2023-24
Awaiting Council's 1st reading position
Commission DGCommissionerVĂLEAN Adina
European Economic and Social Committee
European Committee of the Regions
European Parliament
European Commission
National parliaments
Other institutions
Rapporteurs, Shadow Rapporteurs and Committee ChairsShadow rapporteurTRAN24/01/2024Transport and Environment (European Federation for Transport and Environment)Shadow rapporteurTRAN12/01/2024Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies
Other Members