Road transport: framework for the deployment of intelligent transport systems and for interfaces with other transport modes  
2008/0263(COD) - 16/12/2008  

PURPOSE: to establish a framework for the coordinated deployment and use of intelligent transport systems within the Community.

PROPOSED ACT: Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council.

BACKGROUND: the increasing congestion on our transport system (freight road transport is expected to increase by 55% and passenger road transport by 36 % by 2020) and the related energy consumption and negative environmental impacts (CO2 emissions from transport will grow a further 15% by 2020) call for an innovative approach to respond to the growing needs and requirements for transportation and mobility.

The Mid-term review of the European Commission's White Paper on Transport Policy suggests that innovation will play a significant part in making road transport more sustainable, in particular by applying information and communication technologies: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). However, take-up of ITS solutions in road transport has been slower than expected and, in general, services are being deployed on a fragmented basis. This has led to a patchwork of national, regional and local solutions without clear harmonisation, endangering the integrity of the single market. As a consequence, inefficient use is being made of ITS which cannot therefore contribute effectively achieving (transport) policy objectives and mastering the increasing challenges facing road transport.

IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the impact analysis considers 3 policy options: (a) no additional new action; (b) overcoming problems by concentrating on co-ordination and synergy measures; (b+) a Directive concentrating on co-ordination and synergy measures with a Comitology procedure. The Commission selected the latter option because it would have more impact than the other options, especially as regards co-operation and the potential for more rapid agreements on particular issues hampering deployment of ITS across Europe.

CONTENT: the general objective of this proposal is to establish a framework to accelerate and coordinate the deployment and use of Intelligent Transport Systems applied to road transport, including the interfaces with other transport modes (ITS) in order to support a more efficient and environmentally friendly, safer and more secure freight and passenger mobility in the EU.

Specific objectives include increasing system interoperability, ensuring seamless access, fostering continuity of services and setting up an efficient co-operation mechanism between all ITS stakeholders.

The proposed Directive provides a framework for the implementation of the ITS Action Plan. The obligations imposed on Member States would be supported by the Commission through the establishment, through comitology, of common specifications aimed at ensuring the EU-wide coordinated deployment of interoperable ITS. This work will be carried out by the Commission, assisted by a European ITS Committee. This also provides for a framework for the exchange of information with Member States.

Without prejudice to the role of the Committee, the Commission will establish an ITS Advisory Group composed of high level executives representing stakeholders from the most important areas (ITS service providers, associations of users, transport and facilities operators, manufacturing industry, social partners, professional associations). This group will advise the Commission on business and technical aspects of the deployment and use of ITS in the EU. This ITS Advisory Group will compile input from existing sources such as the eSafety Forum, ERTRAC etc.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: reimbursement of travel expenses (European ITS Committee and the Advisory Group 4 meetings a year each): EUR 122 200 00.