
The Council held a public debate on the outcome of the first trilogue discussions with the European Parliament and the Commission on two proposals within the reform of the common fisheries policy (CFP) and the outstanding issues concerning the reform of the basic regulation of the CFP.

As regards the basic regulation, the Council agreed on a general approach on 26 February 2013. The European Parliament adopted its position at first reading on this proposed regulation on 6 February 2013.

In the context of the positions of the Parliament and the Council, Member States gave their views on the scope for flexibility on the following key issues:

  • Regionalisation: many Member States said that the reform being discussed now should not envisage a renationalisation of the CFP.
  • Maximum sustainable yield (MSY): several countries noted also that the Council general approach reached in February proposed solutions to balance sustainability of the fisheries and applicability by the fishermen in particular with regard to MSY and the discards ban.
  • Capacity management and related measures or sanctions: some delegations said that taking into account too many parameters for the definition of the capacity fleet could limit the efficiency of the measures and the possibilities of control.
  • Multi-annual plans: Member States also supported the Presidency in its view that the Council should work to deliver both a reformed CFP and make progress where possible on multi-annual plans. On this issue relating to inter-institutional responsibilities, they urged a legally neutral approach that respected the positions of both the Parliament and the Council.

The Presidency intends to present Coreper with an adjustment of the negotiating mandate, at the next Council meeting in May 2013 with a view to reaching a political agreement.