Protection of consumers: general product safety (rev. Directive 92/59/EEC)  
2000/0073(COD) - 02/02/2001  
The amended proposal presented by the Commission on general product safety incorporates the 30 amendments proposed by the European Parliament as follows. 10 amendments were accepted in full, relating to the following areas: the link between horizontal and specific legislation; the application of the Directive and the results obtained; the definition including services linked to products; distinction between certain areas and the health protection and safety aspects; creation of an advisory committee; traceability of consumer products; risks for the health and safety of consumers and access to the RAPEX system. I6 amendments were rejected relate to the following areas: the exemption of distributors from the obligation to provide information and documentation in the case of charity shops and non-profit organisations and also for the exclusion of second-hand goods sold by private parties; cooperation between producers, distributors and national authorities concerning information; cooperation between Member States, public and private institutions concerning the drafting of reports on market surveillance; the harmonisation of national market monitoring programmes; the safety of services; definition of producer; the precautionary principle; publication of European standards; creation of a network; submission of a report on the application of the Directive every two years and finally, external certification to prove a product's conformity with the safety requirements. The remaining amendments partially accepted by the Commission relate to: citation of certain articles in articles; more precise requirements for warnings concerning the risks which certain consumer products may present; cooperation between producers and distributors and finally, the provision of informaton concerning product risk. �