Energy: use of biofuels for road transport  
2001/0265(COD) - 12/09/2002  
The Commission has drafted the amended proposal incorporating a series of amendments introduced by Parliament. The main ones accepted include the following: - a new recital emphasises the use of secondary biomass and the parallel production of vegetable proteins. - there is a reporting system on the environmental impact and on the costs by Member States to the Commission and is in line with the agreement at the Energy Council. - priority on the promotion of biofuels in public transport - priority to the promotion of biofuels with a good environmental balance - the promotion of the possibilities of biofules to the public and information for consumers. - an amendment specifying aspects about the Commission's evaluation report to be published every two years and stimulate environmentally friendly concerns. - the introduction of compliance with standard pr EN 14214 of biodiesel end products for fuels. - a transitional period of maximum 2 years for Member States with special difficulties.�