Energy: use of biofuels for road transport  
2001/0265(COD) - 22/04/2003  
The Commission accepts all 7 amendments proposed by the European Parliament, which are in line with the objectives of the Commission's original proposal or constitute an acceptable compromise. Concerning the amendments accepted by the Commission, these concern: - the addition of a new product, 'Pure Plant Oil' and an accompanying definition to the illustrative list of biofuels; - the addition of a statement to the effect that Member States could further promote the use of biofuels by public transport; - an addition concerning the need for biofuels to adhere to existing technical standards and for appropriate monitoring and development to take place to ensure that biofuels are not subject to unnecessary barriers to market entry. The amendment proposes that specific reference be made to the monitoring and adaptation of standards related to 'volatility aspects'; - an addition dealing with the potential benefits of biofuel production to the EU agricultural sector. This amendment notes that this applies to both the existing and future EU Member States. The Commission can accept this amendment that builds on the original proposal. - bringing Articles 3(4) and 3(5) into line with the revised title of the Directive by extending the reference to 'biofuels' to cover 'other renewable fuels'; - the amendment proposes two additional subjects to be covered by these reports: the measures taken by the Member State to promote biofuels for transport; and the national resources allocated to the production of biomass for energy uses other than transport; - clarifying the list of factors that justify differentiated targets set by the Member States.�